Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think if you only try !

- Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Becoming A Mother is Like...

Becoming a mother is like beginning to work on a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle without the benefit of seeing the picture on the lid of the box.

At first it is new and start building the border because it is the easiest part. Those are the early years when you are laying the framework and you are actually in control of your life and your child. You may not know how the puzzle will turn out, but decisions on where pieces should go are easy.

Then comes the middle part, the 4,699 remaining pieces, the unknown, the difficult preteen and teenage years. They are a jumbled up mess and you aren't sure how the pieces will fit together. You only hope that once in awhile they do indeed interlock, and that progress is being made. Sometimes the progress is hard to see and occasionally you feel like sweeping the entire puzzle off the table and starting over, but as a mother you can't do that with your kids.

Finally, many years later, the pieces form into an amazing picture. Without knowing where you were going, somehow you got there. You realize how proud you are of the finished product and that the years of putting the pieces together were worth it.

This is for all the mothers who put the pieces together every day.

On Mother's Day, go to for a special message about becoming a mother from editor Heather Janssen AND be entered for free, fabulous schwag to splurge your fabulous self from participating get born advertisers.