Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think if you only try !

- Dr. Seuss

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Scattered brilliant thoughts

Days started going by, and then a couple weeks passed. I realize as I look at my blog title that to the outside world it looks like my lack of writing recently has been due to having no brilliant thoughts, not even occasional ones. Au contraire! I have had multiple brilliant thoughts but they have been hitting me like shooting stars in the night time sky. A fantastic thought comes to mind, I get really excited about it, and then I look away and I lose the ability to concentrate on writing it down. I simply haven't made the time in my life recently to focus on what I want to do with my writing.

It has been so easy to watch everything else happen around me to everyone else. My work has been crazy busy lately which happens to finance and accounting type people this time of year. In my spare time, I watch baseball games and softball games, run animals to the vet, wash clothes, clean house, feed all living things in my house, plant gardens, and so on. While I enjoy doing many of these things (maybe not the housework part), I am falling back into the rut of letting everyone else live their lives while I observe and play cheerleader. I know this is often my role as a mom, but it should not mean that I sacrifice my writing for everything else. I need my own personal cheerleader to keep me on track.

The ironic part of thinking that I don't have time to write is that I really do have the time if I take advantage of snippets of time. For instance, this weekend my baseball player needs to be at the fields at 9 am to warm up before a 10 am game. Instead of sitting idly for this hour chatting with the other moms, I will take my pen and paper and write for awhile. I'm realizing that if I just wait until I can sit at the computer and have the perfect words come out, I will be waiting a long time. All of the brilliant thoughts I have during the day are getting lost because they don't get down on paper.

So, coming soon, hopefully, will be more than just occasional brilliant thoughts. I would be happy writing regular thoughts much more often with moments of brilliance scattered within.

1 comment:

  1. I learned this little tid-bit from Anne Lamott...she takes notecards around with her in her back pocket. So I bought a bunch of recycled little notebooks and stuffed them in all corners of my life. My car, my bedside table, my purse. And always have a pencil hanging from my hair, there is no excuse now not to at least jot down the 'brilliant thoughts'...although I don't actually findmyself getting many of those...;)
