Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think if you only try !

- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Girl from Mars

When my daughters were 7 and 5, my son Colton was born. I took my 5 year old daughter Alicia with me to my 6 week ob/gyn check-up and while we were in the exam room waiting for the doctor to arrive, my daughter asked the all important question: "Mom, where did I come from?" Here I was, in the exam robe with my breasts leaking milk, my six week old son sleeping in his car seat, hoping that the doctor would enter the room soon so that my agony with milk streaming down my body would end and that the baby would stay asleep long enough for my exam to be over, and she asks the question that all moms dread.

Thinking quickly, I answered, "Well, do you remember that Colton was just in my tummy? That is where you came from also." It was the quickest response I could think of.

She looked at me and said with a confused and impatient expression on her face, "No, mom, I mean what planet did I come from?" I realized that I had overreacted to her question. Without flinching, I said, "Oh, you came from Mars." To which she nodded her head and smiled, satisfied with my answer. Maybe I should have told the truth, but for that day and at that time, Mars was the perfect answer for her to hear.

Now that she's a teenager, I have discovered that there is probably some truth to Mars as her planet of origin.

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